Saturday, March 23, 2013

Jump like a butterfly

Yesterday we had a play date with our good friends Jenny and Carly. Carly is 6 months younger than Jack and Jenny and I work together. Jack and Carly enjoy each others company immensely.  Last year they were seeing each other about twice a week but this year with kinder and different routines we can only manage once a week and sometimes that doesn't work either.  So it had been a few weeks between play dates and Jack in particular was missing his friend.  On Thursday he made up a spare bed in his room for Carly to come and stay.  

This photo is Jack dressed up in Carly's butterfly costume.  The costume actually comes down to Carly's knees so you can see there is a height difference between the two.  For two such good friends there are a lot of differences.  Carly is petite, careful, articulate, loves everything pink and dressing up in tutus.  Jack on the other hand is tall, boisterous, loud, physical and changes his favourite colours between red, blue and sometimes green.  And as you have seen he is less into tutus and more into dressing as Woody, Superman or Buzz Lightyear. But they love each others company.  They often play hide and seek and while they sometimes have arguments over who is playing with what toy they are generous with each other too.  Jack is often quite the gentleman helping Carly off the trampoline and pushing her on the swing.  Jenny and I hope that Jack and Carly will be good friends for a long time, epecially since we love our catch ups over cups of tea!

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