Thursday, May 2, 2013

Equal treatment

I admit it, I have been treating the boys differently.  Only in respect of their ages though.  Jack obviously can do more for himself than Lachlan.  So for example, when Jack has a frozen yoghurt ice cream for desert, I'll be serving and feeding Lachlan a bowl of yoghurt. It's just a case of trying to minimise and manage the mess created by food and drink. 

But Lachlan has started eyeing off the things that Jack gets.  The other day, Jack was having a 'pink milk' (i.e. Strawberry Quik)Lachlan went to the draw in the kitchen and got himself a straw and started following Jack so he could have some 'pink milk' too.

So you will note just how happy Lachlan is in this photo.  He has his own special milk drink and his own straw, just like his big brother Jack.

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