Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dinner time fun

Jack made pizza for himself and Lachlan for dinner tonight.  It was a big day so something that had a chance of being consumed was needed.

We had swimming at 9am this morning!  Crazy I tell you!  It's rare that I am dressed by 9am, more likely I am covered in porridge, still in my pj's and waiting for Lachlan to go down for his morning nap so I can plonk Jack in front of play school while I shower.   So the fact I had the three of us ready and out of the house before 8:30am is next to a miracle! Then there was a short stop at the shops for a few last minute supplies for Jack's first day of kinder tomorrow, then home for lunch.  A quick tidy up before our old next door neighbours came over for a visit, followed by an impromptu visit from my sister and before you know it we're at dinner time!

But we made it!  Pizza was consumed, children were bathed, milk was drunk, stories were read and after a few objections all is quiet.  I think early starts and busy days is a taste of what the year ahead is going to be like.  I think it will be good!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


"It's red Mummy!"

Yesterday he didn't like plums, today he LURVED them!  It's true, kids are fickle!  

We are enjoying plums at the moment and it's bringing back memories of childhood.  We would pick plums by the bucket load in my Nan's backyard.  Then we'd have plum jam, plum crumble, stewed plums, plums and ice cream and plums whenever we liked! 

Monday, January 28, 2013


Inside our home tonight, the kids are FINALLY asleep and there is time for a little treat for us!  I decided to make a lemon pudding for dessert, it was left a little too long in the oven, but it still tasted ok.  The wine is a favourite of mine that we discovered many, many years ago while on holiday in Portarlington.  

Sunday, January 27, 2013


It has become our Sunday night tradition to have a BBQ outside.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


We had the pleasure of being amongst the first guests at my sister and her husband's first home today!  Very exciting times. It's a lovely, welcoming home. I'm sure there will be many a happy day spent there.  

Jack & Lachlan had a ball exploring the new place.  A highlight for Jack would be playing cricket with his uncles in the backyard.  Lachlan is getting back to his old happy self and had a good time being doted upon by everyone. I am so grateful for the way my sisters and their husband and fiancĂ© interact with my kids. They seem to have endless amounts of time and energy for my boys.


Real friends... that's my hope and prayer.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Each time we have watched Toy Story, in the back of my mind I wondered if Jack thought his Woody & Buzz came to life when he was out of the room just like in the movie.  Today, I may have found out???

Jack & I had been playing with Buzz & Woody 'helping' them rescue each other and generally chat about their days.  It was time for lunch and Jack requested that Woody & Buzz also have sandwiches. I suggested he could share with them.  Then came, "Mummy!  They're not eating!"  I wasn't sure what to say?  So instead I got out the camera and took a photo! Might as well let him enjoy his imagination!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Glass half full

I'm exhausted!  Lachlan has been waking 3 times a night since Saturday night.  He's been cranky the majority of daylight hours since then.  On top of cutting some teeth he has a virus so the poor boy is pretty miserable.  So sad to see my normally chilled, happy baby so sad.  Yesterday he was so clingy that he climbed into the shower with me fully clothed!  I'm used to having an audience while I shower but not normally participants as well!

Anyway, I could go on as to why life at the moment could be viewed in a 'glass half empty' way, but no, I choose to look at it as 'half full'!  

Reason #1
Today I found my keys!  I lost them on Saturday somewhere between the car and shopping in Aldi. At the time I realised I'd lost them I had a trolley full of shopping and Lachlan... there were tears.  I must have looked a mess as several shoppers came to my aid to offer various forms of help including driving me home.  There are good people in this world! So today I went back to the shopping centre and someone had returned them to Coles!  Nice!!  Apart from the hassle of loosing car keys and house keys, one of the key rings was from my sister on my 21st when she was 16.  So there's sentimental value there.  I'm wrapped I have them back.

Reason #2
While at the shopping centre there was a mobile farm and it was free!  Jack had a great time feeding the sheep, goats, piglets, ducks, chickens, rabbits and the rest!  He loved it!  So much joy when you see your kids having fun.

Reason #3
My Dad made me lunch after I got back from the doctor with Lachlan. Food is so much yummier when someone else makes it!

Reason #4
Jack showed real emotional intelligence today when he asked someone he cares about if they are ok and said that he loves them.  It was real follow up from something he noticed last week!

Reason #5
It's all quiet here now, the boys are asleep in bed and Leigh and I are relaxing in front of the tennis.  I anticipate a good nights sleep.

So hey, yep there are some reasons while the glass might be half empty, but I'm going to focus on why it's half full!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Makes me smile

He wants to be just like his Dad.  He's listens and copies his Dad.  Which really isn't such a bad thing.  In fact, there are many times in a day when Jack will say or do something that is just like his Dad and it makes me smile!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sweet dreams my love

This cheeky monkey has not been happy the past twenty-four hours.  I think he is teething, but it's the worst I've seen him endure. Last night I held him and he was so hot my arms were burning.  So sweet dreams my love may you sleep deeply and wake refreshed and well in the morning.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Currently Reading

I'm currently reading a few things, slowly.  Starting from the top, the first two are Perry Mason's, The case of the gold-diggers purse and The case of the lame canary, both by Erle Stanley Gardner.  They are from my Mum's collection.  Easy to read, I can pick them up, read a few paragraphs before I fall asleep at night and come back to them later. They are written in a time before mobile phones and internet, very much 'old school' detective work!  

Then we have Raising boys by Steve Biddulph. When I'm looking for a bit of insight this is a good start!  About two years ago I went to a seminar by this author and I really liked his style.  Very humble and very sincere. 

Next in the pile, Already home by Susan Malley.  I have started reading this novel, but I can't remember when that was.  I'm sure I'll get back to it and start again some day.  

New Toddler Taming by Dr Christopher Green. When I really have no idea about what is going on I look up the index and read!  

And finally the NIV Study Bible, by... well I'll leave that up to you. Basically when all else fails I'm pretty sure the answer is in here.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Dressed by my 3 year old.  This style could not be called classic, urban, corporate or casual woman not even bohemian but it certainly is a style of fun!  Obviously he needs to learn that a woman's style usually doesn't include a pirate patch, let alone a plastic box as a hat.   He, however, thought it was the perfect outfit for playing the drum! 

I guess after all, style is a personal thing.  There are many things I want to teach my boys, but most of the time I think I'll let them choose their own style.  I say, most of the time, as I think there are limits.  I remember as a teenager, trying to leave the house in a pair of tiny demin shorts and top and being stopped and told to change by my Dad.  

So while, style is basically something the boys will work out for themselves, I hope to teach them how to be independent and also how to pull their own weight.  I hope that they will enjoy cooking, that they will know how to do some basic sewing, you know buttons and mending holes, etc.  I hope they naturally clean up, offer to do the dishes and take the washing off the line.  I hope they have gentlemanly manners, you know open doors, etc. I hope that my boys are the complete package... gorgeous, funny, intelligent and domestically capable!  So far they have 3 out of 4!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Precious Times

My Nana & Papa with Jack & Lachlan.

It was beautiful to see both the boys engage with my grandparents.  It was lovely to witness to the conversations, explorations, games, hugs and kisses that were shared.  I have such fond memories of being a child and spending time with Nana & Papa that I feel blessed to share Jack & Lachlan with them and vice versa.

The most special moment today was the kiss that Jack gave Papa, who said he would treasure it always.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Essentials

We were back at the traffic school today.  My improvement on last week was the addition of a thermos filled with hot tea! I had all the essentials with me, a packed lunch (in tupperware of course!), some healthy snacks, sun cream, mobile phone and tea!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Even Superman needs a little bit of TLC sometimes.  To be fair, he did fall down a small retaining wall onto some rocks this morning, so he's not just putting it on!   And he has seen his dad hobble around of late with a bandaged ankle, so he knew what he was doing!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Knocked Down

This is the house across the street from my parents home.  Today it was knocked down.  Of course this fascinated and excited Jack who refused to get into the car to go home because he wanted to watch.  I have to admit it was interesting to watch what was a nice solid family home become so fragile and then non existent in such a short period of time.

Today's photo challenge was supposed to be 'confusing' but 'knocked down' is my choice.  I had a scary moment in shopping centre car park this morning when Jack ran away from me and came 30cm away from being knocked over by a reversing car.  I think the moment will be forever etched in my mind and possibly the minds of the half dozen people around who witnessed it.  I pray that Jack never gets that close to being knocked down again.

Monday, January 14, 2013


"Let's play with the blocks together Mummy." Jack had said this morning.  It was an offer too good to refuse! And as you can see, temptation is too great when it comes to knocking down a block city!

Once I would have thought it a rowdy unnecessary destruction of art, but now I understand that it's part of the fun!  I'm learning!! Recently Jack allowed Lachlan the honour of knocking down a tower.  It was so cute to see them enjoy playing together.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


The last 'forgotten' Christmas decoration hanging above my kitchen sink.  I'm not even sure how it got there, but as I considered what 'forgotten' picture I would take, there it was in front of me!

I packed away our Christmas tree about a week ago now.  The tree, back in it's box, is in the garage and the decorations in the man cave.  As I packed up the tree Jack came into the room and cried "Nooooo!" and then got distracted and left the room.  Later he came back in and cried, "Nooooo!" again.  This time he tried to reconstruct the tree and put some decorations back on.

This was the first year that he anticipated Christmas and really enjoyed the celebrations. So he was not happy that it was over, that there were no more presents and that Santa, no longer at the shops, had gone on holiday.  It's a long time for a little boy to wait until next Christmas.  

Saturday, January 12, 2013


He's a mini Leigh people keep telling me.  I guess I can see the resemblance, but mostly he's my baby Lachlan to me!  He's determined and on the move!  He's sweet and funny and likes a cuddle. Tomorrow he'll be 11 months old!  Not a baby for much longer...

Friday, January 11, 2013


Besides the obvious, a signature is also defined as a distinctive mark, characteristic, etc., that identifies a person or thing.  Thus a nice cup of tea is perfectly adequate for today's photo.

My evening cuppa is always a bit more relaxed than any I have during the day.  In the morning I can slam down 3 without even blinking!  My tip for a good cup of tea... always turn the pot 3 times before you pour!

P.S. Sorry about the blurry photo, it was getting dark and I was experimenting not using the flash.  


The game is 'Watch out for Lachlan!'  

The good old traffic school is always worth a visit.  Brings back memories for me and Jack is an absolute fan! Two hours of constant riding around, stopping at traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, round-a-bouts and the occasional straying baby.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

In a Drawer

Perhaps not in a drawer, but in this box and plastic bag is over 1000 worms!  Who knew you could buy worms?  Not me!   So now this boy is over the moon that we have a worm farm, in the man cave mind you!  There is no way I'm having them in the house!

Apparently a worm farm is great for any good garden. I know this because I saw it on Play School. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Front Door

The welcome committee!  

Jack will race to the door and peer through the gap in the frosted glass to ensure he is the first to know who is visiting us today!

My front hallway is plain.  There is a nice Monet canvas print on the left that you can't see in this photo and I do have some hooks that one of my boys will hang when he gets some free time.  I have dreams of a hall stand or hall table, but most recently I am thinking a hall seat/bench.  It will look like a small church pew with storage in the seat.  It will be so lovely and will bring some warmth and interest to my plain hallway.  In the mean time the hallway is free and available for racing cars, rolling balls and riding bikes... sometimes.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Sometimes on a hot day the simplest thing, like a hose in the backyard, is the best thing!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Still Life

It's never still around here.  It's always faster, higher, bigger, taller!  From the moment in the morning when we hear that patter of feet coming up the stairs, running down the hall and then a small boy catapults himself into our bed... until the moment we read that last story, get that last glass of water and say our prayers it is go, go, go!

Saturday, January 5, 2013


These summer holidays we have stayed at home and taken day trips to the rock pools at Flinders, to a water park and a hedge maze.  We have also spent a day or two on the beach at Rosebud. While Lachlan didn't seem too keen on the sand, Jack LOVED the water and had his first go on a boogie board.  It's all been good family fun! We've enjoyed songs on the radio, singing nursery rhymes to Lachlan and chatting to each other as we traveled to our next destination.  Always being sure to point out any diggers, caravans, cement trucks or boats for Jack.

As for today's photo it's one courtesy of Jack.  It's his view from the backseat of the car!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013



Blue skies 
smiling at me.
Nothing but blue skies
do I see.

They are the lyrics that flowed through my mind as I thought about todays challenge of finding an optimistic photo. Today the temperature hit 35 degrees, so a little hot, but a beautiful blue sky as you can see.

To be optimistic is the tendency to expect the best and see the best in all things.  It is being confidently hopeful and having the philosophy that ultimately good will triumph over evil.

Sometimes it is a challenge to see the best in all things.  But when you think about a person who has hope, it is a beautiful thing.

This photo is the view from our backyard, it always makes me smile when I look out.  It is peaceful.  I believe a home needs to be a sanctuary for the family, a place they love to come and just simply be.  While the world may have crazy expectations and demands home is a place where they are rejuvenated, safe and of course loved.  My backyard is a big part of this for me and my family. I am confidently hopeful that many good memories will be made in this backyard, under the canopy of gum trees and blue skies.

I am certainly optimistic that ultimately good will triumph over evil and intend to stand firm in this hope all my life.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Me Today

I am taking inspiration from  They have daily challenges to help you be creative with your photos.  Today is "you today" or in my case, "me today".  

As for me today I was at the beach with my boys.  Yes I know this photo is not of me, but really once you have kids is it ever about you anymore?  

This is Jack, my big 3 and a half year old inspecting a crab.  The hand belongs to his Dad, my husband, Leigh.  We scrambled over the rock pools at Flinders this morning, looking at shells, sea snails and crabs.  Jack was looking for pirate treasure, but had no luck!  

So for me today I like being a mum.  I like rediscovering the simple things of childhood with my boys. I like that on Christmas day I heard Jack gasp with joy when he saw that Santa had brought him a bike!  I like that his imagination is growing, that he makes up stories and songs and dances.  That sometimes he is Superman and other times we are all part of Toy Story, escaping the evil plan of Zurg. I like that he brings me flowers and pretty leaves from the garden as gifts for his mum.  I like that he challenges me to think that picking up snails, worms and pieces of jelly fish is cool rather than yucky! I like that today I was there for his first exploration of rock pools, even if there was no pirate treasure!  

For me today, I'm a mum who knows she is blessed.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Project Life 365

Here is the beginning of my new years resolution: One photo, per day, published here.  I hope you enjoy following my life with boys... if you don't know who they are you certainly will soon.

Today's photo is of our newly planted daphne plant next to our letterbox.  We haven't a great history with gardening, but we have high hopes for this little one, as well as the lemon, lime & plum trees we planted in the backyard recently.