Blue skies
smiling at me.
Nothing but blue skies
do I see.
They are the lyrics that flowed through my mind as I thought about todays challenge of finding an optimistic photo. Today the temperature hit 35 degrees, so a little hot, but a beautiful blue sky as you can see.
To be optimistic is the tendency to expect the best and see the best in all things. It is being confidently hopeful and having the philosophy that ultimately good will triumph over evil.
Sometimes it is a challenge to see the best in all things. But when you think about a person who has hope, it is a beautiful thing.
This photo is the view from our backyard, it always makes me smile when I look out. It is peaceful. I believe a home needs to be a sanctuary for the family, a place they love to come and just simply be. While the world may have crazy expectations and demands home is a place where they are rejuvenated, safe and of course loved. My backyard is a big part of this for me and my family. I am confidently hopeful that many good memories will be made in this backyard, under the canopy of gum trees and blue skies.
I am certainly optimistic that ultimately good will triumph over evil and intend to stand firm in this hope all my life.