Sunday, January 13, 2013


The last 'forgotten' Christmas decoration hanging above my kitchen sink.  I'm not even sure how it got there, but as I considered what 'forgotten' picture I would take, there it was in front of me!

I packed away our Christmas tree about a week ago now.  The tree, back in it's box, is in the garage and the decorations in the man cave.  As I packed up the tree Jack came into the room and cried "Nooooo!" and then got distracted and left the room.  Later he came back in and cried, "Nooooo!" again.  This time he tried to reconstruct the tree and put some decorations back on.

This was the first year that he anticipated Christmas and really enjoyed the celebrations. So he was not happy that it was over, that there were no more presents and that Santa, no longer at the shops, had gone on holiday.  It's a long time for a little boy to wait until next Christmas.  

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