Saturday, January 19, 2013


Dressed by my 3 year old.  This style could not be called classic, urban, corporate or casual woman not even bohemian but it certainly is a style of fun!  Obviously he needs to learn that a woman's style usually doesn't include a pirate patch, let alone a plastic box as a hat.   He, however, thought it was the perfect outfit for playing the drum! 

I guess after all, style is a personal thing.  There are many things I want to teach my boys, but most of the time I think I'll let them choose their own style.  I say, most of the time, as I think there are limits.  I remember as a teenager, trying to leave the house in a pair of tiny demin shorts and top and being stopped and told to change by my Dad.  

So while, style is basically something the boys will work out for themselves, I hope to teach them how to be independent and also how to pull their own weight.  I hope that they will enjoy cooking, that they will know how to do some basic sewing, you know buttons and mending holes, etc.  I hope they naturally clean up, offer to do the dishes and take the washing off the line.  I hope they have gentlemanly manners, you know open doors, etc. I hope that my boys are the complete package... gorgeous, funny, intelligent and domestically capable!  So far they have 3 out of 4!

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