Saturday, April 13, 2013

The log

Way back in 1998 when Leigh and I were dating, the log was a meeting point for all our friends.  Emails would fly around all week about our plans for the weekend and it always started with a meeting point.  The log was the 'official' term for outside Leigh's parents house and HQ was outside another friends house.  Both central points for everyone and the various destinations we'd end up frequenting.

So this is the very same log that the kids and I were waiting at for Leigh today. We had booked a tutorial on how to put up his parents caravan and annex.  In the end, I don't think we passed the test.  His parents have now offered to drive with us to the caravan park and put up the annex for us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where are you heading for in the caravan? How exciting! Cool story about the log- ahhh the early days of dating, how cute :-)