Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Glass half full

I'm exhausted!  Lachlan has been waking 3 times a night since Saturday night.  He's been cranky the majority of daylight hours since then.  On top of cutting some teeth he has a virus so the poor boy is pretty miserable.  So sad to see my normally chilled, happy baby so sad.  Yesterday he was so clingy that he climbed into the shower with me fully clothed!  I'm used to having an audience while I shower but not normally participants as well!

Anyway, I could go on as to why life at the moment could be viewed in a 'glass half empty' way, but no, I choose to look at it as 'half full'!  

Reason #1
Today I found my keys!  I lost them on Saturday somewhere between the car and shopping in Aldi. At the time I realised I'd lost them I had a trolley full of shopping and Lachlan... there were tears.  I must have looked a mess as several shoppers came to my aid to offer various forms of help including driving me home.  There are good people in this world! So today I went back to the shopping centre and someone had returned them to Coles!  Nice!!  Apart from the hassle of loosing car keys and house keys, one of the key rings was from my sister on my 21st when she was 16.  So there's sentimental value there.  I'm wrapped I have them back.

Reason #2
While at the shopping centre there was a mobile farm and it was free!  Jack had a great time feeding the sheep, goats, piglets, ducks, chickens, rabbits and the rest!  He loved it!  So much joy when you see your kids having fun.

Reason #3
My Dad made me lunch after I got back from the doctor with Lachlan. Food is so much yummier when someone else makes it!

Reason #4
Jack showed real emotional intelligence today when he asked someone he cares about if they are ok and said that he loves them.  It was real follow up from something he noticed last week!

Reason #5
It's all quiet here now, the boys are asleep in bed and Leigh and I are relaxing in front of the tennis.  I anticipate a good nights sleep.

So hey, yep there are some reasons while the glass might be half empty, but I'm going to focus on why it's half full!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my Bec! The incident with the keys and the tears.. it must have been so full on- EVERYTHING is when your little ones aren't sleeping and are showering with you (hehehe). I'm glad for all the light that still shines through the darkness, as from reading this there is clearly a LOT of light in your world :-)